ISC Book Club (Session 1)

Join the Interschool Council and members of the LMSD Administration in reading and discussing Adam Grant's "Hidden Potential." Facilitated discussions of the book will be held in the BRMS dining hall on February 12 and 24 from 7:00-8:30 p.m. The Book is available from major booksellers and most libraries. LMSD Book Club Co-sponsored by the Interschool Council "Hidden Potential" The Science of Achieving Greater Things By Adam Grant February 12 and 24, 2025 7:00 pm Held at Black Rock Middle School 1860 Montgomery Ave, Villanova In "Hidden Potential", Dr. Adam Grant argues that anyone can build skills to achieve greater things with the right opportunity and motivation to learn. How can parents, guardians and educators apply his insights to help students embrace discomfort and develop other traits that he argues are necessary for success? Sign up here...
BRMS Dining Hall
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 7:00pm – 8:30pm